Friday, September 19, 2008

Flex Graphics Library

I wanted to include custom graphic into my Flex application. I wanted to have something that I would be able to manipulate in code and also look the way I want it to look.
After some searching I found Degrafa. Degrafa is a graphics framework for Flex. It allows you to create custom, sophisticated graphics using the Flex markup language.

I haven't done too much with it yet, other than verifying that it works. I got it to display a simple circle in about 4 lines of Flex XML code. The only real problem, or inconvenience so far is that the graphics do not render in the Flex Builder designer. You need to compile the code and view it in the run-time application. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or not, but at least it works.

This sample application that was done by Thomas Gonzalez for the 360 Flex conference in San Jose was done using Degrafa.

You can check out the working application here.

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