Tuesday, December 23, 2008

87Percent Defined

It's been a while since I posted. I really hate that. The longer the gaps are, the easier it is to ignore it. I think it's because I have an idea to post and it doesn't really pan out and I get stuck on it and can't seem to move past it. At least that is my current excuse.
Anyway, as it it getting towards the end of the year, I've decided, as my New Years resolution, to just start posting whatever it is that I'm thinking about (yeah, I know, I've said this before). Some posts will be long and some may be short, some may be off topic (Not sure what on-topic is...I guess programming, technology, and learning). I'm also not going to worry too much about it making absolute sense.

So with that, let me start by defining 87 Percent. Basically 87% is just a little reminder to myself to finish things that I've started. Over the years, I've set a lot of little projects/tasks for myself. Anything from creating some cool application, reading a technical book, learning something new, networking my house, etc. I've notice that I have a hard time finishing projects. I usually get very near the end and get stuck getting over that last hump. 87% is just about the point where I get into a rut. Not quite 90% where you can see the end, but close enough where you know that with a little bit of hard work, you will be on the home stretch. Not quite enough where things are working and the task/project is usable or there is some satisfaction from getting close to your goal. But also far enough along where I've already put in a lot of effort.

87 Percent. I guess it really just means Perseverance.

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